Job Manual
(REVISED: January, 2006)
Introduction: The purpose of this Job Manual is to guide officers of the North Carolina Section in the performance of their duties. Very often persons are elected to office with little prior experience. This manual will try to answer the responsibility questions: Who? What? When? Why? It is expected that this document will be reviewed annually by the Chair of the section, and that revisions, if appropriate, will be made following their approval by their Executive Committee.
(one-year term)
Critical Objective:
The Chair is the chief executive officer of the section for the calendar year.
Key Duties:
The Chair:
Serves as the Chair of the Executive Committee and presides over all of its meetings.
Presides over all meetings of the general membership.
Oversees and coordinates all section activities.
Serves as program host, introducing the speaker, until his program of regular monthly meetings is completed. Non-regular meetings include 1.)æthe Sectional Conference (Apr.), 2.)æNC Special Topics Symposium (Sept.), and 3.)æthe North Carolina Distinguished Speaker lecture (Dec.).
Is the Chair of the Budget Committee and with the Treasurer, presents to the Executive Committee, in January, the Budget Committee's proposed operating budget for the calendar year.
Is responsible for appointing all new committee chairpersons and committee members as early as possible so as to assure a smooth transition in January.
Informs all committee chairpersons of their duties and oversees the activities of the committees.
Recommends to the Budget Committee, after consulting with the committee chairpersons, an operating budget for each committee.
Sends letters thanking all incoming and outgoing committee members and officers for their service as well as all other individuals who have helped the section during the previous year.
Sees that all section officers and committee chairpersons are provided with copies of the section's job manual.
Maintains records of all correspondence made on behalf of the section. These records are to be made available for use by the succeeding chairman of the section and subsequently for filing by the Archives Committee.
Responds to requests made by officers of the National ACS and by other agencies. He asks the advice of the Executive Committee when appropriate in doing this. He maintains a file of all correspondence received.
Presents section awards and National ACS fifty-year membership awards to their recipients at appropriate section meetings.
Regularly informs the Nominating Committee of announcements for nominees for regional and national ACS awards. The names of the nominees and materials for the award applications are approved by the Executive Committee.
Solicits from members of the Executive Committee recommendations for chairpersons of committees.
Annually reviews the section bylaws and job manual for officers and committees and makes recommendation to the Executive Committee when appropriate for changing them.
Submits an annual report to the ACS Office of Local Section Activities in Washington. This report is to be submitted in February following the Chairman's one year term of office. It is to be jointly prepared by the Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer, and it is to be reviewed and approved by a Section Councilor. A copy of the report is to be archived by the Committee on Archives.
Supplies information on upcoming meetings as early as possible to the Chairperson of the Public Relations Committee, the TarHelium Editor, and the Executive Committee.
Enters as member of the Nominating Committee the following year and serves as chair of this committee the second year following.
Enters as member of the Awards Committee and Chairs this committee three years later.
(one-year term)
Critical Objective
The Chair-Elect manages the section's program of meetings, assists the Chair with the management of the section, and represents the Chair in his absence.
Key Duties
The Chair-Elect:
Serves as Chair of the Program Committee beginning in January.
Is responsible for choosing and planning programs for the section's monthly meetings for the following year when he will be chairman.
Is the general chairman of the North Carolina Sectional Conference which is held in April. Duties for this meeting include working with a local host in making all necessary local arrangements, publishing a call for papers in the TarHelium beginning in January, recruiting session chairpersons, and submitting the final program, to the Editor of the TarHelium in time for publication.
The Chair-Elect is responsible for soliciting local industrial contributions to support this meeting, making arrangements for catering of an Awards luncheon, and the planning for any souvenirs for speakers.
Serves as Chair of the Hospitality Committee at the regular monthly meetings.
Works with the ACS Speaker Service to prepare a speaker's program for the regular monthly meetings the following year.
Presides over section meetings in the absence of the Chair.
Attends the annual conference for local section officers. The Southern Regional Officer's Conference is the most appropriate, although the conference for large sections is an alternative.
Assists the Chair in making committee assignments.
Maintains records of any correspondence made on behalf of the section. These records are to be given to the Archives Committee for filing.
Serves as a member of the Budget Committee.
Serves as a member of the Executive Committee.
(Two-year term)
Critical Objective
The Secretary maintains all current files and records of the section.
Key Duties
The Secretary:
Takes minutes at Executive Committee meetings. A copy of the minutes are mailed to the Chair 7-10 days prior to the next meeting of the committee. The minutes are corrected as directed by the Executive Committee.
Promptly certifies to the Executive Director of the ACS all section officers elected by the section and all changes of section officers.
Certifies to the Executive Director of the ACS no later than December 15 the names, addresses, and terms of elected Councilors and Alternate Councilors. If a Councilor is unable to attend a National Council meeting, the substitute Alternate Councilor or a temporary substitute councilor must be certified to the Executive Director.
Maintains as a policy manual a list of motions approved by the Executive Committee which have an on-going effect on the activities of the section. This list should be continually updated, and it should be distributed annually to all Executive Committee members.
Maintains an organized and updated file of section records. These records include corrected minutes of Executive Committee meetings, correspondence with offices of the National ACS and other agencies, National ACS and section bylaws, updated membership lists, and copies of past issues of the TarHelium. Outdated records are given to the Archives Committee for filing.
Assists the outgoing Chair and the Treasurer or past Treasurer, as appropriate, in the preparation of the section's annual report for each of the two years of office.
Serves as a member of the Executive Committee.
(Two-year term)
Critical Objective
The Treasurer is the financial officer of the section.
Key Duties
The Treasurer:
Keeps a ledger showing income, expenses, and assets of the section according to ACS guidelines. The receipts and checks are organized for future retrieval. These records are given to the incoming Treasurer at the end of the two-year term. Outdated records from past Treasurers are given to the Archives Committee for filing.
Collects moneys for meeting meals, short courses (may act as registrar), advertising income, interest, and other sources.
Promptly pays bills after they are received.
Reports on the financial status of the section at each meeting of the Executive Committee.
Reviews topics that come before the Executive Committee with a focus on their impact on the finances and tax exempt status of the section.
Serves as a member of the Budget Committee.
Files a request for the section's annual allotment with the ACS in November of each year.
Disburses awards made by the local section (i.e., scholarships, NC Distinguished Speaker, etc.) and monitors the use of these funds.
Reimburses Councilors' expenses for attendance at ACS National meetings, and applies for appropriate reimbursement of these costs from the National ACS.
Tracks ACS investments in media other than the local section checking account (i.e., CDs, ACS Fund, money market).
Prepares the annual financial statement for the section in January and submits this report to ACS National electronically.
Files the appropriate income tax form(s) each year.
Enters as section Auditor for the following two years.
Serves as a member of the Executive Committee.
(Three-year term)
Critical Objective
Councilors represent the section at National Council Meetings of the American Chemical Society.
Key Duties
A Councilor:
Attends, participates, and votes at meetings of the ACS National Council, which are generally held at ACS National meetings, as often as possible.
Notifies the Chairman and Secretary well in advance if a National Council meeting cannot be attended so that an Alternate Councilor may be certified by the Secretary to attend.
Reports to the Executive Committee on matters of interest that are considered or acted on at National Council meetings.
Consults the Executive Committee for prior advice on items of interest to the section.
Becomes fully informed on local and national society affairs and business.
Serves as required as an intermediary and exchange resource between the section and National offices of the ACS.
All Councilors are encouraged to attend as many National meetings as possible, but at least one per year. If possible, travel support from the Section will be made available for all Section Councilors to go to all National meetings. This will be combined with support from the National Office according to the current formula for Councilor travel reimbursement. Councilors should give timely notice to the Section Treasurer if they will be requesting support for travel to a coming National meeting.
Performs other duties as specified or requested by the Chairman, the Executive Committee, and National offices of the ACS.
Keeps accurate records of expenses incurred at National ACS meetings, National Council meetings, and other activities carried out on behalf of the section.
In addition to attending and voting at the semi-annual Council meetings, Councilors should seek appropriate appointments to National Council and/or Board Committees as well as other ways to contribute to the activities of the Council.
Serves as a member of the Executive Committee.
Alternate Councilor
(Three-year term)
Critical Objective
Alternate Councilors represent the section in the absence of a Councilor at National Council meetings of the American Chemical Society in the absence of the Councilors.
Key Duties
An Alternate Councilor:
Substitutes for Councilors at meetings of the ACS National Council on certification by the section Secretary.
Receives and keeps informed about all information sent to Councilors by offices of the National ACS.
Keeps accurate records of expenses incurred at National ACS meetings, National Council meetings, and other activities carried out on behalf of the section.
Performs other duties as specified or requested by the Chairman, the Executive Committee, or the National Offices of the ACS.
Serves as member of the Long-Range Planning Committee.
Serves as a member of the Executive Committee.
Editor of the Newsletter (TarHelium)
(Indefinite term) Appointed by Chairman.
Critical Objective
The Editor publishes the section's newsletter, TarHelium.
Key Duties
The Editor of the Newsletter:
Publishes the TarHelium in order to disseminate to the section's membership in a timely manner information concerning the monthly meetings and other programs carried out by the section. The newsletter should be published and distributed to the membership at least ten days prior to a monthly meeting.
Keeps an updated mailing list of the section's membership. Members requesting changes in address and/or membership status are sent a copy of the current TarHelium and a personalized letter explaining how to submit these changes directly through the ACS.
Works with the Advertising Manager to solicit advertisers for the TarHelium to help defray publication expenses.
Keeps accurate records of publication and mailing expenses incurred and advertising income received.
Serves as a member of the Budget Committee.
Assists the Education Committee in publishing announcements of upcoming short courses.
Answers correspondence received from offices of the National ACS and other agencies.
Maintains a file containing at least three copies of each published issue of the TarHelium for future archiving.
Serves as a member of the Executive Committee.
A detailed description of the specific tasks involved in planning and producing the TarHelium is given in a separate document titled "Job Description, Editor of the Newsletter (TarHelium)".
Committee Chairs
(Approved February 21, 1991)
Organizes and coordinates specific activities of the committee.
Documents local section activities for the Annual Report and submits a budget request to the next chairman for the following year.
Contacts chairman generally two weeks prior to an Executive meeting to get an issue scheduled on meeting agenda. Attendance at Executive Committee meetings is encouraged.
Promotes activities of the group by publicizing significant accomplishments in the TarHelium at least once a year. Forwards information to the Public Relations chairman as appropriate.